Partners in Health, a Boston-based international medical charity, has received a $15 million gift to support its work in developing nations.
The gift, from the Boston-based Wagner Foundation, is the one of the largest donations in Partners in Health’s 31-year history.
The organization said it would use the grant to measure its impact in reducing maternal and childhood deaths in the 10 countries in the developing world where it has a sustained commitment. By studying its model of community-based health care, Partners in Health hopes to improve services for rural and resource-strapped populations.
“It’s an internal investment that helps the people on the ground,” Dr. Gary Gottlieb, chief executive of Partners in Health, said Monday. “We’re measuring the impact of the work and . . . following the population to understand our impact. That’s pretty critical if we’re going to change policies.”
Charlotte Wagner, founder and chief executive of the Wagner Foundation, called the donation “an investment in the communities where Partners in Health is working, and an investment in a model that I hope will be replicated elsewhere.”

Partners In Health strives to achieve two overarching goals: to bring the benefits of modern medical science to those most in need of them and to serve as an antidote to despair.